
The study of history must be justified to students as relevant, important and essential; and that by being encouraged to develop intellectual autonomy, they are prepared to participate as confident citizens within a modern information society. The History Department focuses on translating knowledge into something accessible to all, finding the hook that opens a subject up and makes it compelling to a wider audience.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

The Key Stage 3 Curriculum is organised chronologically, constructed around enquiry questions with a focus on Empire as a key theme running throughout. The focus in Year 7 is focused on the Roman Empire and life in Medieval England. In Year 8 pupils study the Tudors, the Stuarts and an extensive unit titled 'From Slavery to Civil Rights'. Year 9 is focussed around the World Wars with the year concluding with a detailed study of the Holocaust. Assessment methods vary throughout the key stages but there is a solid focus on essay writing skills.


GCSE (Years 10 & 11)

Programme of study - Year 7
Programme of study - Year 8
Programme of study - Year 9
Programme of study - Year 10
Programme of study - Year 11

History GCSE focuses on the concept of modern world history. The 'Migrants to Britain c1250' to present day encapsulates the extensive new research that has taken place on the diverse heritage of migration to Britain, while the Elizabethan unit explores the political complexities of female rule with a focus on the beginnings of global enterprise. The 'Making of America' explores the rich cultural development of a country that was built on the consequences of civil war, industrialisation and the fight for civil rights, while 'Living under Nazi Rule' focuses on life during occupation in East and West Europe with a focus on the Holocaust. The GCSE is examination-based but pupils are also encouraged to debate, think independently and to draw connections to current day issues.

Senior History