Enrichment Week 2019

Enrichment Week 2019 was focused around our school motto and daring to try our best

Enrichment Week 2019 was focused around our school motto and daring to try our best. 

Years 7 to 9 participated in a week of trips and activities designed to offer opportunities beyond our classrooms and curriculum.

Year 7 visited the zoo, played foot golf and measured the flow of the river in Beckenham place park. They also enjoyed presentations by the talented and hilarious Dan Ro Ro and internationally renowned author, Caroline Lawrence that explored French theatre and time-travelling fiction. Other opportunities included an archaeological exploration and a QR hunt. The pupils were also able to develop their skills in the workshops of felt-making, debating and playing steel pans, with each requiring a very different set of skills. 

Year 8 visited Legoland, Neasden Hindu Temple and Hampton court Palace during their week of activities. In school they explored fossils and made some of their own in Art and Science. They discovered the magic of mathematics and created their own rockets and biodomes along the way.

Trips for Year 9 were to The Jewish Museum and The Bank of England, whilst pupils also got to enjoy a retreat at Aylesford Priory too. In school, the workshops included  French and Spanish cultural explorations, making your own musical and clay building, which were enjoyed by all (especially the eating!) The visit from verbalizer, Adisa, was also very popular and pupils performed their own poems at the end of the day.

None of the activities could have been possible without the hard work of the staff and their innovation and preparations made for a very exciting week.

Mrs Otley