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'Quantum potes, tantum aude'

Dare to do your best

Bishop Challoners School

School Fees

Fees for Prospective Parents

Fees cover tuition and charges for books, stationery, apparatus and Pupil Personal Accident insurance. Fees are revised at the start of each Summer Term. School lunches, educational visits, public examinations (including GCSE and A-Level entrance fees) and extra-curricular activities and are not included in the termly fee amount.

Termly Fees (3 terms per year):

Infant School
(Reception, Y1, Y2)

Junior School
(Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6)



Senior School (Y7-Y13)

(Please note that 3 terms of fees are charged in all year groups including the examination years of Year 11 and Year 13). £5,468.00
Nursery (No. Of Sessions) Day Equivalent Termly Fees


1.5 Day



2 Days



2.5 Days



3 Days



3.5 Days



4 Days



4.5 Days



5 Days (discount)


Children must attend a minimum of three sessions per week in the Nursery. Eligible pupils are entitled to Nursery Education Funding.

All fees are payable in advance on or before the first day of term, unless an instalment plan payable by direct debit is agreed beforehand with the Bursar’s Office.

At least a full term’s notice in writing is required for the withdrawal of a pupil; otherwise a term’s fees in lieu of notice must be paid. Provisional notice may be accepted only on condition that it is confirmed or cancelled not later than the following half term. Provisional notice cannot be rolled forward from term to term. 

Sibling Discounts

Sibling discounts are being offered from 1st September 2022. These will be applied at a rate of 5% for the 1st sibling (second child) and 10% for each subsequent sibling (third and additional children) and are discounts from the advertised fee rates shown above. If customers are in receipt of the Nursery Education Grant, the sibling discount will not be applicable.

Registration Fees (non-refundable)

£75 is payable upon registration of interest.


Juniors/Seniors: A deposit of £1000 (refundable at the end of the final term) is required to confirm acceptance of a place. In the senior and junior school there will be some discount on the deposit for siblings. The deposit will only be refunded if all the school fees have been paid IN FULL at the point when the pupils leaves. The deposit will not be refunded unless a term's notice has been given.

Nursery: A deposit of £500 is required to confirm acceptance of a place.

Payment of School Fees may be made by:

  • Cheque – made payable to Bishop Challoner School
  • Debit & Credit Card – free of charge

Payment in Instalments:
Annual charge of £50 (10 payments: September-June), unless paying by Direct Debit.

Music Tuition

Music lessons are available by arrangement. Individual tutors will invoice for lessons in advance. A term's notice to cease is required or a term’s fee will be payable in lieu of such notice.

Parent: Pupil Referral Scheme

As a thank you to our current parents for recommending Bishop Challoner School to their friends, the school offers a pupil referral scheme. To be eligible:

Parents must have recommended Bishop Challoner School to a named family, who do not presently have a child at the school, before that family makes contact with us with a view to their child becoming a pupil at the school. The family should declare on their Registration Form who referred them to the school. In the event of more than one current family claiming to have made the referral, the discount below will be provided only to the family named on the Registration Form.

The school’s “thank you” is a one-off discount of £500 credited to the school fees for the current parents’ own child, or the eldest child if they have more than one.

The discount will be applicable against the fees payable for the third term after the introduced child starts school; i.e. the current parents will receive the reward as a deduction from their child’s summer term’s fees, providing the new pupil has started at Bishop Challoner School in the September and is still a pupil in the summer term.

If a parent successfully recommends more than one child then, subject to the same conditions, the “thank you” will be a £500 credit for each child joining the school.

It is not applicable for a child in receipt of early years funding.


Bishop Challoners School

Contact Us

Bishop Challoner School,
228 Bromley Road, Shortlands,
Bromley, Kent, BR2 0BS

020 8460 3546