Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2 pupils build upon the strong foundations from Key Stage 1. They are given numerous opportunities to become independent, enthusiastic and confident learners.
Pupils are taught a wide range of subjects by both their class teachers and specialist teachers. As pupils progress throughout Key Stage 2, they have increasing access to the senior school facilities such as the science laboratories, music and art rooms. With our small class sizes and regular ongoing assessment, we are able to ensure excellent progress for all pupils.

Key Stage 2 subjects include:
- French
- Spanish
- Latin
- Performing Arts
- Science
- Religion
- History
- Geography
- Art
- DT
- Music
- French
- PE
- Computing
Classroom lessons are supplemented with a range of trips and visits, with workshops and special events also regularly taking place. There is a focus on developing Thinking Skills throughout the junior school and all pupils are encouraged to develop greater independence and a strong sense of responsibility as they get older. Pupils are taught through a creative approach to their learning, such as topic based projects which are designed to provide opportunities for independent research, while allowing for individual creativity and flair.
As a Catholic school, everything we do is underpinned by our Catholic values. This is reflected in the attitudes of everyone at Bishop Challoner and in the way we relate to and respect each other at all times. We have regular services of worship in our Chapel of the Annunciation and, in Year 3, pupils have the opportunity to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
In addition to our day trips, workshops and events, pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity for residential visits. These take place during the summer term and usually involve a trip to either Kingswood, PGL or France.

-Year 4 'Chante La Vie' song in French