
Geography is concerned with the study of places, the human and physical processes which shape them and the people who live in them. It is about ‘empowering tomorrow's adults to develop real global understanding and global citizenship so they have the intellectual understanding to participate individually and collectively in shaping the world around them.'

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

The programme of study in each year at Key Stage 3 incorporates a variety of places, scales and issues and is planned for progression of skills, knowledge and understanding. Units in Year 7 develop knowledge of the local area and encourage students to begin making links with other places. This gradually increases in scale to facts about the UK, then Europe and the World. Units in Year 8 and 9 explore the concepts of environmental change, sustainable development and global citizenship.

Dsc 0252

GCSE (Years 10 & 11)

The new AQA GCSE specification allows students to travel the world from their classroom, exploring case studies in the United Kingdom, higher income countries, newly emerging economies and lower income countries. Topics of study include climate change, poverty, deprivation, global shifts in economic power and the challenge of sustainable resource use. Students are also encouraged to understand their role in society by considering different viewpoints, values and attitudes. This exciting and relevant course studies geography in a balanced framework of physical and human themes and investigates the link between them.

Senior Geography
"Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future" Michael Palin

Extra Curriculum

Tutor availableMondays3.35 - 4.30pm
Tutor availableWednesdays3.35 - 4.30pm
GCSE Revision sessionThursdays3.35 - 4.30pm


7JuneRiver Ravensbourne
10April - MayResidential field trip Dorset