Classical Civilisation

  • How should people be governed?
  • What causes conflict between men and women?
  • Why do good people sometimes have such tragic lives?
  • How do people learn courage?

If you are interested in those questions and would enjoy reading literature that has fascinated people for thousands of years, consider this A level.

Key Stage 5 (Years 12 & 13)

In studying Classics we ask many questions both about the past and about ourselves. Western culture's foundation can be found in the ideas of the Greeks and Romans. Questions that they asked about life and how to live it are questions we still ask today. We cover a range of areas for discussion including politics, war and government, ethics and how we treat each other.

Classics is more than just one subject; Classics is about life: art, language, politics, myth, drama, architecture, law, science, religion, archaeology, philosophy, history.

Classics is for everyone.

Rome 2

Classics is an academic A level which is respected by universities and employers. Studying Classics will develop skills of logical analysis, critical appreciation and effective communication.

You will need to acquire tolerance and mental flexibility as your beliefs and ideas are challenged by those of societies which were sometimes shockingly different from your own.

We explore Greece and Rome over a vast sweep of time from the Bronze Age to the 1st Century AD.

In studying their literature, art, religion, philosophy and politics we begin to appreciate the profound influence that the ancient cultures still have on our present life.

Rome 1 Columns

In KS2-4 we study ancient civilisation together with the Latin language. However, in KS5 our Sixth Formers do not need to know any other languages: all the texts are in translation. There is no coursework; assessment is by three written examinations. We analyse a range of visual and written sources including plays, poetry and prose. This is an A level which requires a great deal of careful reading and regular practice in writing essays.

Trips are planned for students to visit Roman Britain sites and museums together with visits to school by authors and curators. Visits abroad may also be added.

A Level Summer Bridging Work - Latin

A Level Summer Bridging Work - Classics

Programme of study - Year 12
Programme of study - Year 13

"Studying Mediterranean antiquity superbly equips individuals to think socio-politically and to persuade other people orally, visually and in writing. It hones transferable skills like source criticism and culturally relativist analysis. It's a perfect A level to do with any other subject because the Greeks invented all academic disciplines including Medicine and Material Science. It gets school-leavers and graduates great jobs and gives them nourishing and beautiful brain-food for non-working hours for life." Edith Hall - Classics Professor at King's College London