Physical Education

Sixth Form students have two periods of Physical Education a week, in which they are able to participate in a number of activities, such as Football and Gym. Students also have the opportunity to coach local primary school pupils and organise sports tournaments for the local community.

Key Stage 5 (Years 12 & 13)

Examining Body - AQA

The A level course is 70% theory and 30% practical. Students are assessed in one sport and a written piece of coursework is completed. Theoretical components include analysis of movement, skill acquisition, aggression in sport and the concept of sportsmanship.

A Level Sports2

A Level Summer Bridging Work

A Level Summer Bridging Revision Sheets

Programme of study - Year 12

Bishop Challoner has a number of sports teams who compete in local, regional and national tournaments.

Recent successes have been achieved in the FA Kent Cup by the Football 1st XI.